
Liability and information according to §5 TMG (German Telemedia Act)

DEval - Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit gGmbH
Fritz-Schäffer-Str. 26
53113 Bonn

Represented by:
Director: Prof Dr Jörg Faust

Telephone: +49 228 - 33 69 07 – 0

Email: info[at] 

Registration in the Commercial Register /Entry in the Register
Commercial Register of the Bonn Local Court
Register-Number: HRB 19016

Source: Provided with the imprint generator of for non-profit limited liability companies.

Legal disclaimer

The contents of this website have been prepared with utmost diligence and will be updated constantly. The data might, however, have changed in between. Therefore, the Deutsche Evaluierungsinstitut für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit – DEval gGmbH cannot assume any liability or guarantee for the actuality, accuracy and completeness of the information provided. Consequently, we cannot assume liability for any damage that may arise directly or indirectly out of the usage of this website, unless such damage is attributable to intent or gross negligence.
DEval is not responsible for the contents of the third-party linked websites (insofar as one is not aware of their contents and it is technically impossible and unacceptable to inhibit the use in case of illegal contents.)


The copyright for published self-designed objects by DEval is owned exclusively by DEval gGmbH being the author of these pages. Any reproduction or use of such photographs, graphics and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permissible without the explicit permission of DEval.

Concept, design and technical implementation

Lime Flavour
Effendi · Heymann · Michelfelder · Stangl · Temming GbR
Körtestr. 10
10967 Berlin

E-Mail: info[at]

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