About this Website
This website results from a DEval research project on rigorous impact evaluation (RIE) in German development cooperation (GDC). In our research, we empirically analysed, to what extent GDC is generating new RIE evidence and using existing RIE evidence. We also identified next steps that could help to make GDC more evidence-informed.
This website is a central hub for everything RIE-related in GDC. It will grow over time, as more useful material will be created. So it is worth a frequent visit. In the following, we will give you a short overview of what you can find on the different pages of the website:
What is RIE?
In this section, we explain rigorous impact evaluation (RIE) and two closely related concepts, systematic reviews (SR) and evidence gap maps (EGM). To give you an understanding what it's all about.
Is Germany evidence-informed?
This section is a summary of our research report (which you can access here). We focus on the key takeaways that are relevant to you as a reader. We created this online representation of our report to make our research results more illustrative and interactive. If you need even more details, have a look at our report.
Rigorous Evidence Database
Our database holds RIEs that were conducted with financial involvement of the BMZ since 2014. You can browse by different filters, such as country or sector. That makes it easy for you find evidence that is relevant to your own work. You can also use it to get in touch with the person who was responsible for the RIE, if you have questions on their results or you want advice on how to do a similar RIE.
Funding Program
BMZ in cooperation with DEval will soon pilot an RIE funding program. This fund will support researchers who conduct RIEs in BMZ-financed German development. Up to 9 RIEs will be funded. This section will always hold the newest information on the RIE funding program.
In this section you find our growing collection of RIE material. For instance if you need some guidance on when to conduct an RIE or you want to use our explanatory RIE video. This is the place to look. In the future, this page will be filled with more useful resources. So pay this page a visit every once in a while!
Dr Martin Bruder
Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-970
E-mail: martin.bruder@DEval.org