The application phase is closed, the nine RIEs that are funded can be found here.
For transparency the application documents remain online. In addition, the tender documents and the templates for the project implementation can be found on this page.
- November 30, 2022
Application Deadline
Brief description of the programme
Goal of the programme
The overarching goal of the RIE funding programme is to strengthen the systematic mainstreaming of RIEs in German development cooperation in a manner appropriate to the subject matter. Two central tasks contribute to this goal:
- Implementing RIEs: The number of RIEs has been increased in a manner appropriate to the subject matter.
- Using the RIE results: RIEs are used systematically for learning, for accountability and for impact communication.
What is funded?
RIEs or components of an RIE with an experimental or quasi-experimental design (possibly supplemented by qualitative elements) are eligible for funding. The project concerned must be a self-contained evaluation project. The RIE must evaluate German development cooperation measures that are at least partly funded by the BMZ.
Who is eligible for funding?
The programme targets academics in German universities and public research institutions from all disciplines with completed academic education. A declaration of support from a project-implementing development cooperation organisation is required. Development cooperation organisations include governmental implementing organisations, church organisations, civil-society organisations and foundations based in Germany that implement development cooperation measures.
Who can submit an application?
State-owned and officially recognised German universities, university hospitals and non-university research institutions based in Germany that are recognised as non-profit organizations and conduct their own research are eligible to apply.
Further Information
The funding framework including all annexes can be found under downloads (see below). Information on how a scientific institution can find a suitable development cooperation project can be found here.
Please note that some of the documents are only available in German.
Application Documents
Templates for project implementation
- Weiterleitungsvertrag (draft)
- Weiterleitungsvertrag (draft for consortia)
- Mittelanforderungsschreiben
- Vorlage Mittelanforderung (10.2023)
- Vorlage Mittelanforderung (Mittelmitnahme 2024)
- Vorlagen Zwischennachweis (01.2023)
- Anwendung DEval-Logo
- Konsortiumserklärung
- Antrag auf Vertragsänderung
- Finanzplan für Antrag auf Vertragsänderung
Note: All documents are subject to minor changes.
Most of the documents are only available in German.
See also our Q&A